Cost of Living in Morocco

Living in Morocco

Morocco, a country rich in culture and history, is quickly becoming one of the most popular tourist and foreign visitors destinations. With its breathtaking scenery, warm climate, and vibrant cities, it's no surprise that so many people are thinking about relocating to this North African country. 

However, before making the move, it's important to understand the cost of living in Morocco, which can vary greatly from country to country. This blog post will look at the cost of living in Morocco, covering things ranging from housing and food to transportation and entertainment. So, whether you're planning a long-term stay or a quick trip to Morocco, this comprehensive guide will help you better understand the costs you can expect.

Reasons to Consider Living in Morocco 

Consider moving to Morocco for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Affordable cost of living: Morocco has a relatively low cost of living when compared to many other nations, making it a desirable option for people looking to stretch their budget further.
  2. Rich cultural heritage: Morocco has a diverse cultural heritage that combines Berber, Arab, African, and European influences.
  3. Beautiful scenery: Morocco has some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, from the towering peaks of the Atlas Mountains to the undulating dunes of the Sahara Desert.
  4. Food that is delicious: Moroccan cuisine is a delectable fusion of spices, herbs, and flavors that is sure to tempt your palate.
  5. Friendly people:  Moroccans are known for being hospitable and friendly, which makes it simple for visitors to blend in with the local population.
  6. Thriving cities: Cities in Morocco are vibrant, alive, and full of opportunities for dining, shopping, and entertainment.
  7. Excellent weather: For those seeking to escape the gloom and gloom of their own country, Morocco's warm, sunny climate is the perfect getaway.
  8. Access to Europe and Africa: Because Morocco is situated at the nexus of Europe and Africa, it makes for an excellent starting point for traveling throughout both continents.

The Cost of Living in Morocco

Morocco is not a country with high prices. How much you spend here will depend on where you live, how much rent you pay, and how much it costs to live in general at that time. All of these vary from big cities to slums to the edge of town. Here's a rough estimate of what it will cost to live in Morocco.


The cost of accomodation in Morocco can range widely depending on factors such as your preferred way of life and available funds. You should budget approximately $1,700 per month if you want to live in a luxury apartment that is located in the heart of the city.

If, on the other hand, you are willing to live in an apartment that is on the more simple side and is located outside of the city, you may be able to find something for as little as $250 per month. Obviously, the price will change depending on the house size of the apartment as well as other stuff.


The price of traveling from one place to another in Morocco is not particularly high. If you take a taxi, you can expect spending between $0.30 and $0.50 per kilometer, while taking the bus will cost you between $0.20 and $0.40 per kilometer. 

Investing in a monthly pass for public transportation, which will run you about 20 dollars, is a smart move to make if you intend to make frequent use of this mode of transportation.

Food and Groceries 

Depending on one's preferences, way of life, and financial constraints, the cost of food and groceries can vary significantly in Morocco. A meal at a more upscale restaurant can cost anywhere between $10 and $50, while eating out at a neighborhood restaurant or street vendor can cost anywhere between $2 and $10 per meal.

Depending on individual preferences and dietary requirements, the price of groceries in Morocco can vary, but a typical weekly grocery budget for one person can range from $30 to $100, or $100 to $150 for a family of four. A bottle of wine or beer can cost anywhere from $5 to $15 in Morocco.

Health Care 

When compared to other developed countries, the cost of receiving medical care in Morocco is comparatively more affordable. There are a number of public hospitals and clinics that provide care at no cost or at a reduced cost, and there are also a number of private facilities that provide care at prices that are comparable.

When it comes to standard medical care, you can expect paying between $50 and $100 for a consultation with a physician and between $10 and $20 for a trip to the pharmacist.


Public or private schools in Morocco vary in quality and cost. Morocco has many primary and secondary schools that offer free public education. Class sizes can be large and education quality can vary.

Private schools offer higher-quality education at a higher cost. Private schools in Morocco charge $500–$2,000 per year, depending on the school and level of education. Public and private universities in Morocco offer many undergraduate and graduate programs. Higher education in Morocco costs $1,000–$5,000 per year, depending on program and level.


Morocco offers outdoor and cultural entertainment. Outdoor activities are free, but movie tickets cost usually $3–10 and theater tickets $10–50. Morocco's nightlife is varied, with many bars, clubs, and restaurants. Depending on location and comfort, drinks and meals cost between $2–$20.

It might also interest you to read the Cost of Living in Australia.


Finally, the cost of living in Morocco varies greatly according to personal preferences, lifestyle, and budget. However, it is generally regarded as more affordable than other Western countries. Morocco provides a unique blend of affordability and quality of life, with a variety of options for housing, food and groceries, healthcare, education, and entertainment.

When deciding whether to live in Morocco, it is important to consider all of the factors that influence the cost of living, such as the cost of housing, food, healthcare, education, and entertainment. This allows one to make an informed decision about whether living in Morocco is the best option for them.

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