The Best Guide To Apply For The Australian Permanent Residence Visa

We will be discussing everything you need to know about "applying for Australian permanent residence visa". So you are just on the right page. 

It is obvious that you really want to know about the Australian permanent residence visa. Probably for your personal interest or for the purpose of research. Well, whatever brought you here. 

The fact is that, the Australian Permanent Residence Visa is a special type which allows you to reside in Australia for a period of (5) years and also gives you that chance to be a citizen of Australia after you have worked formally for a minimum of three (3) years. Another cool benefit of this visa is that it permits you to move in with your family members. 

Sounds cool right? Well nothing good comes easy but this article will make the whole process easy for you. 

We have highlighted some major benefits of applying for Australian permanent residence visa. Check them out below. 

Benefits of Australian Permanent Residence Visa

  • Your children are going to enjoy free education till they get to a certain age. 
  • You will be given the freedom to choose any part of the country you wish to live and work. 
  • You will be allowed to take your family members along with you. 
  • You will be privileged to sponsor any of your family members to the level of being a permanent resident in Australia. 
  • You will be given an unlimited freedom to travel all around Australia. 
  • You will be entitled to equal health care for you and your family members. 

Eligibility for Australian Permanent Residence Visa

Below are some of the requirements that will make you eligible to apply for an Australian Permanent Residence Visa.

  • You must obtain a minimum of 65 points using the point grading system (more will be discussed about this later as you read) 
  • You must be below 45 years before applying; simply means anybody above the age of 45 won't be accepted. 
  • You must be able to pass the English language proficiency test with a minimum score of 6 bands. This test is often organized by the International English Language Testing System ( IELTS) 
  • You must have an occupation that is being nominated in the Australian Skills Occupation List. 
  • Your skills and occupation must have been assessed by the Australian authorities. 
  • You must be able to prove that you are of good character. 
  • You must have been tested fit and healthy. 
  • You must possess a degree that is globally accepted

The Cost Of Acquiring The Australian Permanent Residence Visa.

The cost of obtaining Australian PR varies according to the following categories;

  • If you are a primary applicant, willing to apply for Australian Permanent Residence Visa, then it will cost you a sum of $4,045.
  • If you are an applicant over the age of 18 that wants the dependent Australia visa will cost them $1876
  • If you're  an applicant under the age of 18 that also wants the dependent Australia visa will cost them $940

PS: You should note that the costs mentioned above do not include the assessment fees. Reason being that this fee varies depending on the kind of occupation. 

The point system for Australian Permanent Residence Visa

This system is a system where points are allocated to different categories of eligibility. Each of these eligibility criteria like your age, English proficiency, certificates, your working experience and their like will be grades in points. Therefore if you overall points is less than 65,then you shouldn't apply for this visa. 

How To Apply For Australian Permanent Residence Visa

Having met all the eligibility criteria that we have discussed earlier. I guess this is the next thing that comes to your mind - so you need not worry as we will take you through the way to apply for Australian Permanent Residence Visa below. 

1. Ensure you are eligible for the visa. 

2. Select your occupation from the categories of skilled occupation list. These categories are listed below;

  • SOL - The short term skilled occupation list. 
  • MTSSL - The medium and short skilled occupation skill list. 
  • CSOL - The consolidated sponsored occupation list. 

3. Apply for the Australian Point Calculator and qualify. Like I said earlier that so many factors would determine your score in the point system. Some of which include education, degree, age, English language proficiency, skilled occupation, e.t. c. 

4. You are expected to submit your expression of interest by visiting the official Australian skill select website. You can submit it through the skill select option. Also remember to fill all the required information before submitting. 

5. If you application has been considered successfully, then you will be invited to apply for Australian Permanent Residence Visa. 

6. Having applied for the Australian Permanent Residence Visa, you will need  to submit all the required documents for you to finish up the process. Then wait for a period of 60 days. 

7. You will also be needed to submit your medical and police clearance certificate. 

8. Have gone through the processes above, then your Australian Permanent Residence Visa should be ready. 

Factors You Should Consider When Calculating Your Australian Permanent Residence Visa processing time. 

  • The Skill Assessment Period : During this period you education, skill, and work experience will be examined. It usually takes a period of 45 to 60 days for everything to be processed. It could be earlier depending on how fast you submit your required documents.
  • Expression of interest period: This should not take your time because it totally depends on your performance. How this is done has been explained earlier. 
  • The Visa Application Submission Period: This period normally takes an average of 60 days for everything to be processed. You are expected to submit to the department of immigration and border protection( DIBP).
  • Medical Certificate And Other Documents: This should not take your time because it all depends on how fast you submit the necessary documents after receiving your ITA. 
  • The Visa Approval Period: This normally takes a longer period because of the whole process requires a deep research before anybody can be considered for the visa. The average waiting period takes about 3 - 5 years. 
  • Departure period: After your visa has been approved, you will be granted a period of 6 months for you to travel to Australia. 

At this point, I believe you had enough resources from this article for you to apply for Australian permanent residence visa with ease.

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